
As a project that tries to represent a large number of voices and a range of perspectives, and one that attempts to gather knowledge, we really welcome feedback, criticism, additional information and especially corrections from readers. Early on in the project we attempted a kind of online forum but as there was little response, it was taken down. We hope that this page will serve as an additional record of errata, omissions, notes, and you can email us your feedback directly so that we can consider adding it to the notes below. We do regret the errors noted below, and extend our sincere apologies to those involved for these misrepresentations and omissions on our part. 

Sebagai projek yang cuba mewakili sebilangan besar suara dan pelbagai perspektif, dan yang berusaha mengumpulkan pengetahuan, kami sangat mengalu-alukan maklum balas, kritikan, maklumat tambahan dan terutama pembetulan dari pembaca. Pada awal projek, kami mencuba semacam forum dalam talian tetapi kerana terdapat sedikit tindak balas, ia dihapus. Kami berharap halaman ini berfungsi sebagai catatan tambahan mengenai kesalahan, peninggalan, nota, dan anda boleh menghantar maklum balas anda melalui e-mel secara langsung agar kami dapat mempertimbangkan untuk menambahkannya ke nota di bawah. 
Kami menyesali kesilapan yang dinyatakan di bawah ini, dan mengucapkan maaf yang tulus kepada mereka yang terlibat atas penyalahgunaan dan peninggalan ini.

Volume  4: Perspectives

[p. 27] Uncle Rajah tells us that he last clocked out of the Balai Seni (Visual) Negara on 4 October 2014, not 31 October as stated.

Jilid 4: Perspektif

Butiran gambar kulit sepatutnya: “Sharon Chin bersama Aisyah Baharuddin dengan Intan Rafiza, Lepas Tangan, seni performans sewaktu protes terhadap perobohan arca Puncak Purnama oleh Syed Ahmad Jamal, 2016. Foto oleh: Seth Akmal”*

[h. 32] "Uncle Rajah" memberitahu kami bahawa beliau menamatkan khidmat di Balai Seni (Visual) Negara pada 4 Oktober 2014, bukan 31 Oktober sepertimana yang dinyatakan dalam penerbitan ini.

*When we selected this work for the cover of the volume, we believed it was an impromptu street performance by the participants and neglected to acknowledge the artists who created it, namely Sharon Chin in collaboration with Aisyah Baharuddin and Intan Rafiza. We do regret the omission, and it brings to light continuing issues of labelling and describing performance works that are carried out in public, outside of an "art" event or space. We selected Lepas Tangan for this volume as Simon Soon mentions it in the introduction as expressing "a vaguely defined sense of community" in the Malaysian art world. Similarly, we chose to feature Projek Angkat Rumah for the cover image of Volume 3: Infrastructures as an interesting take on the volume’s theme. After publication, it was pointed out to us that we failed to acknowledge Five Arts Centre as collaborator in the project (they funded and co-produced it). In fact, while the project was also mentioned in Simon Soon's essay 'Four Currencies in Contemporary Practice' in Volume 2: Reactions – New Critical Strategies/Jilid 2: Reaksi – Strategi Kritikal Baru as being by Liew Seng Tat, in the image list we failed to acknowledge him as the artist who created the performance. Our belated apologies here.

Volume 3: Infrastructures

Cover image details should read: "Liew Seng Tat with Five Arts Centre, Projek Angkat Rumah, 2010. Photography: Gan Siong King."

[p. 161] Tsuji Lim should read Tsuji Lam.

[p. 240] The list of observers should be disregarded. There were no observers at the Beyond Facts and Figures roundtable session, only panellists and guests.

[p. 255] Nani Kahar’s first sentence has been mistakenly transcribed. MAPKL is initiated by labDNA. 

[p. 291] Pang Heng Khan should read Pang Khee Teik.

[p. 340] The interview with Yeoh Jin Leng should be dated 21 February 2011, not 2013.

Jilid 3: Infrastruktur

[h. 186] Tsuji Lim sepatutnya dibaca Tsuji Lam.

[h. 279] Senarai pemerhati harus diketepikan. Tiada pemerhati hadir sewaktu sesi meja bulat Di sebalik Fakta dan Angka, hanya ahli panel dan para tetamu.

[h. 295] Kesilapan transkripsi untuk ayat pertama Nani Kahar. Projek dicetus oleh labDNA.

[h. 336] Kesilapan ejaan pada Pang Heng Khan; sepatutnya Pang Khee Teik.

[h. 395] Wawancara dengan Yeoh Jin Leng sebenarnya bertarikh 21 Februari 2011, dan bukannya 2013.

Volume 2: Reactions – New Critical Strategies
[Colophon] Goh Sze Ning should read Goh Sze Ying.
[p. 257] The second quotation on this page should be attributed to Lee Weng Choy, not Nirmala Shanmughalingam.Within this quotation, there should be no comma dividing the name "David Wong Tay Woei". Also, "Shanmugalingham" should read "Shanmughalingam".
[p. 352] In our Acknowledgements, Hans Peter Holt should read Hans Peter Holst.
Jilid 2: Reaksi - Strategi Kritikal Baru

[Kolofon] Goh Sze Ning sepatutnya dibaca Goh Sze Ying.
[h. 300] Sepatutnya tiada tanda koma yang memisahkan nama "David Wong Tay Woei". "Shanmugalingam" sepatutnya dibaca "Shanmughalingam".
[h. 412] Di bahagian Penghargaan, Hans Peter Holt sepatutnya dibaca Hans Peter Holst.

Volume 1: Imagining Identities (first print, 2012; the corrections have been made in the 2015 reprint)

[p. 31, and p. 265] Grace Selvanayagam was never part of the Wednesday Art Group. Thank you 
to Sivam Selvaratnam, a pioneer member of the group, for the correction.
[p. 85] Lai Loong Sung, Hoe Say Yong and
 Peter Lim H.H. were trained at KLCA (Kuala Lumpur College of Art), not MIA (Malaysian Institute of Art) as printed as a result of a layout error. Our apologies to the artists and the writer.
[Illustration 67] Joseph Tan, Terengganu Series, 1979. is image has been mistakenly printed upside down.

Jilid 1: Menanggap Idenititi

[h. 32 dan h. 295] Grace Selvanayagam tidak pernah menjadi ahli Wednesday Art Group. Terima kasih kepada Sivam Selvaratnam, seorang ahli awal kumpulan tersebut, untuk pembetulan.

[h. 91] Lai Loong Sung, Hoe Say Yong dan Peter Lim H.H mendapat latihan di KLCA (Kuala Lumpur Collect of Art), bukan MIA (Malaysian Institue of Art) sepertimana tercetak selepas kesilapan atur huruf. Kami meminta maaf kepada para artis dan penulis berkenaan.

[Ilustrasi 67] Joseph Tan, Terengganu Series, 1979. Karya ini telah tersilap dicetak terbalik. 

(9 October 2019)


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